Count on our team for long-lasting exterior cleaning results.
Every business owner knows that first impressions are crucial, so it’s important to invest in the care and upkeep of their commercial properties. In addition to routine maintenance and repairs, business owners should also get regular exterior commercial washing services for optimal results.
Our team at Queen City SoftWash offers exterior commercial washing services throughout the Rock Hill, South Carolina area. We have been in the service industry since 1995, and we would be happy to help you keep your business looking picture-perfect.
Our skilled cleaning technicians have plenty of experience washing all kinds of exterior surfaces, from parking lots to roofs, and we offer soft washing, power washing, and pressure washing to ensure that every part of your exterior is thoroughly cleaned.
For most exterior commercial washing jobs, we rely on our soft washing techniques. Soft washing is safe to use on virtually all outdoor materials because it uses minimal amounts of water and biodegradable cleansers that won’t pose any risks to your building or landscape. Furthermore, soft washing effectively removes organic growths, such as bacteria and mold, and sanitizes the underlying surfaces to slow down the regrowth of these unappealing substances.
If you need us to clean more durable surfaces, such as concrete walkways, we may use our pressure washing equipment to get rid of tough stains. However, you can rest assured that our team members can accurately select the best exterior commercial washing method for each area of your property.
To learn more about our exterior commercial washing services or schedule an appointment, please contact us today.
Exterior Commercial Washing in Charlotte, NC